Channel: Old School RuneScape
Category: Gaming
Tags: jagexold rpgrsosrs modssoupmobile gamejillyfishosrs primeosrs q&anew rpgmmorpgmmoosrsosrsmobileold school runescapeosrs qnamobile rpggamesold schoolrs 2007jagex games studiomod ashold school runescape primebeneath cursed sandsjillyguideoldschoolrunescapetwitchold school rsosrs mobilef2prunescape 07osrs qarpgmobilesouprsmmo rpgosrs iosrunescape 2007rs2007old school mobile2007scape
Description: Welcome back to the OSRS Recap, with our second guest creator: Jillyfish! In this week's recap Jilly takes us through April's Issue of the Gielinor Gazette. There are also a couple of smaller changes to Guardians of the Rift and Beneath Cursed Sands from this week's Game Update Newspost! If you'd like all the information in text form, then check out the game update newspost here: Similarly, if you'd like to check out April's Gielinor Gazette then check it out below: And finally, if you'd like to check out ongoing discussions about PvP, you can look over our Poll Summary of the PvP Arena Rewards Poll and join our PvP Feedback Discord to stay in the loop! Thanks to Jillyfish for featuring in this week's recap. Make sure to check her out across all these socials channels: Twitch: Twitter: YouTube: Looking for more great Old School content, well look no further then here: Beneath Cursed Sands - The Story So Far (by PoisonedPotion): Lore Q&A with Mods Ed & Errol, feat. PoisonedPotion & AColdOne: General Q&A & PvP Arena Rewards Discussion with Mods Ayiza, Kirby, Bruno & Tide We'd love to hear what you think about Beneath Cursed Sands or any other upcoming content, so visit the links below to let us know! Official forums: 2007Scape Reddit: Steam forums: OSRS Discord: Each week the Old School RuneScape team answer your questions live. Ask your questions and pitch your proposals, watch us live every Thursday at 17:00 BST over on: Old School RuneScape is a retro game version of RuneScape from 2007 which we returned at the community's request. The community controls the developmental direction of Old School RuneScape by voting on which updates it would like to receive. The world's largest and most popular MMORPG, Old School RuneScape has been played by over 260 million players since the 2001 release of RuneScape. Old School RuneScape unites the intricate mechanics of modern MMOs with the nostalgic point-and-click gameplay of early role-playing games. #OSRSWeeklyRecap #SoupRS #BeneathCursedSands #Quest #OldSchoolRS #OldSchoolRuneScape #OSRS #OSRSMobile #RuneScape